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8 Remedies to Treat Vertigo Naturally

8 Remedies to Treat Vertigo Naturally

Vertigo is a sensation of whirling which occurs without an accompanying movement. Usually, it’s caused by senses that tell the brain that the body is off balance, though it isn’t. In most cases, vertigo is a symptom of an underlying condition. Some forms of vertigo occur just once while others recur until the underlined problem is resolved.
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Treatment Options for Different Types of Skin Rashes

Treatment Options for Different Types of Skin Rashes

A noticeable change in the color or texture of the skin is known as a rash. Your skin might become bumpy, itchy, scaly, or maybe irritated. There are various types of skin rashes one can suffer from, and so, here is a close look at most types. This article will help you identify the rash or know when to consult a doctor so that you can get treated effectively.
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5 Effective Tips to Treat Dry Scalp

5 Effective Tips to Treat Dry Scalp

If you are suffering from dry and dull hair, and often see white dandruff flakes on your shoulder, then a dry scalp could be the reason behind it. Many people feel embarrassed due to the white flakes and the itching that dry scalp can cause. The irritation that dry scalp causes can sometimes be unbearable; therefore, it is important to choose effective treatment methods to treat it as soon as possible.
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How to Deal with Ulcerative Colitis Flares

How to Deal with Ulcerative Colitis Flares

Ulcerative colitis, commonly known as UC, is a chronic disease that affects almost 1 million citizens of the country. It is a disease of the colon (large intestine) that inflames the colon lining and the rectum. According to an epidemiological research report, people following a diet consisting of high-fat foods are at a higher risk of suffering from this disease.
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Exercises that Can Help Relieve Neck Nerve Pain

Exercises that Can Help Relieve Neck Nerve Pain

Neck pain is a condition most people experience all around the world. Research has shown that between 22% and 70% of people in the country experience neck pain during their lifetime. Herein, we provide a brief overview of neck nerve pain, its causes, symptoms, and essential exercises you should try for a pinched neck nerve.
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10 Common Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

10 Common Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

Leg cramps at night, also known as nocturnal leg cramps, are sudden, involuntary contractions of the muscles in the leg that usually occur during sleep. These cramps commonly affect the calf muscles and seem to “travel” up the leg towards the hamstring and thigh, and they can be quite painful.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country