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All About Nasal Sprays and How They Help Relieve Dust Allergies

All About Nasal Sprays and How They Help Relieve Dust Allergies

Dust allergy is one of the most common types of allergy that many people experience, especially if they travel on polluted roads or are exposed to other dusty environments in factories or industrial areas for long periods of time. It can be very disturbing and can result in symptoms such as irritation, itching, sneezing, and coughing.
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Best Treatment Options to Get Relief from Shingles

Best Treatment Options to Get Relief from Shingles

The Varicella-Zoster virus causes a viral infection called shingles. Varicella-Zoster is the same virus which causes chickenpox as well. This virus does not leave the patient’s body, even after they’ve been cured of chickenpox. It stays dormant in the nerves of the patient’s spinal cord and might activate in the future, causing shingles.
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Causes and Treatments of Persistent Dry Cough

Causes and Treatments of Persistent Dry Cough

A dry cough can be very troublesome. Not only is it irritating, but it takes a toll on your throat too. It feels like a thousand razor-sharp knives are piercing through your throat each time you cough. It is best to get persistent dry cough treated as soon as possible to get rid of the nuisance.
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How to Treat Gum Disease Naturally

How to Treat Gum Disease Naturally

Gum disease or gingivitis is a common, non-destructive periodontal disease that happens due to inflammation in the tissues that surround and support the teeth. In gingivitis, a bacterial infection of the gums leads to the development of a sticky film called plaque, and this consequently destroys the gums. A hardened plaque will subsequently turn into a tarter, thus causing irritations and inflammation in the affected gums.
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All you need to Know about Gout and Its Treatment

All you need to Know about Gout and Its Treatment

When there is an excess amount of uric acid in the bloodstream its crystals are formed in the joint, and that condition is termed as gout. Uric acid is present in many foods that we consume. When the body cannot handle the uric acid that is present in the bloodstream, the crystals formed can give rise to many health issues such as arthritis.
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5 Best Skin Care Treatments for Smooth Skin

5 Best Skin Care Treatments for Smooth Skin

Every woman dreams of having gorgeous, glowing, smooth, and flawless skin! However, there are many elements that cause the skin to age and dry faster than expected, and proper skin care is a must. Here are some smart and quick tips on the best skin care treatments that can help you put your best face forward.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country