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8 endocrine disorders to know

8 endocrine disorders to know

The endocrine system is responsible for the production of multiple hormones in the human body. These hormones regulate important functions that help the body to heal itself, control metabolic functions, regulate mood and sleep, and aid in growth and development. However, certain endocrine conditions result in disruption in the production of hormones and interfere with bodily functions, leading to more severe disease.
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Things to know about anxiety and stress

Things to know about anxiety and stress

Anxiety & stress are similar in numerous ways, with one or two crucial differences. Both are emotional responses to pressures of everyday life or childhood traumas. Additionally, the symptoms in most cases are the same, be it physical or emotional. Both can influence, to a great extent, the quality of life experienced by an individual.
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Key differences between drugs and medicines

Key differences between drugs and medicines

People may drugs and medications interchangeably to indicate medicines. Have you ever wondered if there is a difference? While the two terms could overlap, they differ based on their purpose. Specifically, drugs may have positive or negative effects, however, they may suppress or temporarily relieve certain symptoms. Medicines are intended to cure a disease or ailment.
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Things to know about vitamins and supplements

Things to know about vitamins and supplements

Vitamins are carbon or organic compounds gained from certain food eaten by individuals. The human body requires these compounds for proper functioning. Thus, vitamin deficiencies can increase the body’s vulnerability to certain health conditions and diseases. A nutrient-rich meal plan can mostly take care of the body’s requirements; however, in some cases, one needs an additional nutrient boost via supplements.
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5 common genetic disorders to note

5 common genetic disorders to note

Human beings are vulnerable to several diseases and health conditions throughout their life. Although some health conditions can be prevented through various measures, inherited diseases can rarely be cured. These are called genetic disorders. The National Institute of Health has defined a genetic disorder as a disease that occurs due to a change in DNA sequence.
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Essential tips for better oral and dental care

Essential tips for better oral and dental care

Oral care is essential for overall healthy teeth and gums. You can take a few measures to help keep your oral health in top condition. This article will discuss some of the most important oral care tips, some home remedies to try, foods to eat and avoid, and some health conditions that can be avoided with good oral and dental care.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country