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Winter essentials for every woman

Winter essentials for every woman

The crisp air of fall doesn’t just bring a change in our coffee orders; it also changes a lot about our wardrobes. Gone are the tank tops and floral sundresses; what replaces them are warmer coats, woolen skirts, tights, and snug hosiery articles. In case you don’t have this year’s winter wishlist for clothes yet, this article discusses a few fashion essentials you’d want to take a look at.
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3 homemade chocolate recipes to satiate your craving

3 homemade chocolate recipes to satiate your craving

Made from roasted and grounded Theobroma cacao seeds, chocolate is an indulgence that one can’t seem to get enough of. It is enjoyed by millions of people around the world every day owing to its unique, rich taste. The origin of chocolate can be traced back to ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations, and was considered to be the “food of the gods.” It is high in fiber and is loaded with a maximal dose of antioxidants.
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Simple tips to control asthma triggers

Simple tips to control asthma triggers

Asthma refers to a chronic lung disease that affects the airways and is mostly characterized by signs like spasms or breathing difficulties. It makes a significant impact on the bronchi, which leads to shortness of breath. Asthma is mostly caused due to allergens, and there is no cure for it.
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Symptoms and Factors of Osteoarthritis

Symptoms and Factors of Osteoarthritis

Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis has several risk factors that can be broken down into three categories: modifiable local risk factors, modifiable systemic risk factors, and non-modifiable systemic risk factors. Modifiable local risk factors are factors that occur near the site of OA that can be altered. These include muscle strength, physical activity, joint injury, joint alignment and leg length in equitability.
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10 Menopause Symptoms and How to Deal with Them!

10 Menopause Symptoms and How to Deal with Them!

Nearing your 40’s and having  irregular periods ? You may be transitioning into a new phase biologically. Welcome to the menopause stage. Women in the United States reach their menopause around the age of 50, but due to lifestyle changes and other factors, the average age of menopause is slowly coming down.
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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Different Types of Allergies

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Different Types of Allergies

When the immune system of the body vehemently reacts to any foreign particle or allergen, such conditions are called as allergies. Due to ingestion, an application on skin, injecting inside the body or by stings of insects and contact with certain materials, allergies can occur, although the reaction to allergens differs from person to person.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country