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Causes Symptoms and Treatment of MRSA Infection

Causes Symptoms and Treatment of MRSA Infection

A skin infection caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria —MRSA or Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus is an infection that can occur in any part of the body. Characterised by mild symptoms like sores and boils, the infection can also graduate to severity by infecting surgical wounds, urinary tract, lungs, and bloodstream. The MRSA bacteria are resistant to commonly used antibiotics and that’s why it’s called the ‘ superbug’, making it difficult for the medical fraternity to treat this condition.
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Insomnia Medications That Help You Sleep Better

Insomnia Medications That Help You Sleep Better

Insomnia is a complicated condition that leads to people not getting a proper sleep. It is also known as sleeplessness. People find it difficult to stay asleep if they have insomnia. Anyone suffering from insomnia never gets a satisfied sleep and therefore feel fatigued, face difficulty in concentrating, and lack energy.
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How To Treat Hemorrhoid At Home

How To Treat Hemorrhoid At Home

A hemorrhoid is often referred to as piles. It pertains to inflated blood vessels positioned in the soft muscles of the walls of the bottom portion of the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids manifest in the following forms: · Mucus discharge · Anal itching · Painless rectal bleeding accompanied by bowel movement They grow internally and externally in the anus and rectum.
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Causes of Shoulder Pain and its Treatments

Causes of Shoulder Pain and its Treatments

The shoulder is that part of your body which is used the maximum and mobility has a heavy price. The shoulder is a combination of three main bones namely the upper arm bone, the collarbone, and the shoulder blade. This part of your body is vital for you to move freely.
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All You Need to Know about Diverticulitis

All You Need to Know about Diverticulitis

When pouches in the large intestine become swollen, the condition is known as diverticulitis or colonic diverticulitis. These pouches (diverticula) are like bulging sacs or small blisters. When these appear in the large intestine or the colon and are in their dormant state, the condition is called as diverticulosis. Sometimes, one or more of these pouches are rendered infected; this condition leads to diverticulitis.
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Effective Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Effective Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a crippling disorder delineated by extreme exhaustion and fatigue that just doesn’t dissipate. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also termed as systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID), or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). The culprits of chronic fatigue syndrome aren’t well known or contemplated. While some research suggests psychological stress, others say it can be due to virus infection, or a combination of both the contributors.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country