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An Overview of Shingle Medications

An Overview of Shingle Medications

Shingles is a type of viral infection that causes highly painful rashes. They may occur anywhere on your body. Generally speaking, you can find them as a single stripe of blisters, and they wrap around the right or left side of the torso. The virus that causes shingles is known as varicella zoster, and you need to start taking treatment at the early stage to make the recovery truly effective.
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Here’s How to Get Relief from Dry Eyes

Here’s How to Get Relief from Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a condition of itchy, unhealthy, and unclear vision of the eye. This mostly occurs when the tear gland produces low-quality tears or no tears depending on the severity and cause of the dry eye. Tears are very important for the eyes as they wash any dust present in them, keeping the eye clean and moisturized.
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Chronic Bronchitis – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Chronic Bronchitis – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Bronchitis can be defined as an irritation or inflammation of the airways, also known as bronchial tubes, in the lungs. These airways are the tubes through which the air passes. When these airways get inflamed, thick mucus forms in them. The mucus covers up the airways thus making it hard for the air to get into the lungs.
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5 Natural Remedies for Treating Gout Pain

5 Natural Remedies for Treating Gout Pain

A gout is a form of arthritis, which develops due to the high level of uric acid in the blood. The acid creates a sensation which feels like needle-like crystals in the joints, which cause sudden, episodic pain, redness, swelling, tenderness, etc. Before knowing the popular and effective ways of treating gout pain, let’s understand the four types of gout pain that include asymptomatic hyperuricemia, acute gout, interval gout, and chronic gout.
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Know about the Best Gout Medicines Available

Know about the Best Gout Medicines Available

Gout is an acute inflammatory type of arthritis. Gout attacks are chronic painful reddish inflammation and tenderness of the joints. The most commonly affected joint is that of the big toe which affects over 50% of the patients. Other commonly affected joints are the elbows, knees, fingers, and toes. Gout is caused by a deposition of uric acid crystals in the bone joints.
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Popular Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder

Popular Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder

The frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis refers to pain, stiffness and restricted range of movement in the shoulder. Overuse of the shoulder is a major contributor and an injury can also result in frozen shoulder. Diseases like stroke or diabetes also make you vulnerable to this condition. When you develop frozen shoulder, the tissues that surround the joint feel stiffened and the formation of the scar tissue also takes place.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country