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Effective Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Effective Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus or toe fungus is an infection of toenails that is contagious. If the toenail fungus starts in one nail of the toe, it can spread to the other toenails as well. Usually, dermophytes, a fungi group, is responsible for onychomycosis or toenail infection. This fungi group thrives on keratin which is the main component of nails and hair.
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9 Types of Knee Braces for Arthritis

9 Types of Knee Braces for Arthritis

Arthritis has no age limit. Various people around the world suffer from this condition, irrespective of their age. Some studies show that even children at a very young age are prone to some forms of this disease. When this condition worsens, it can lead to some disability in the patient.
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Treatment Options for Renal Cell Cancer

Treatment Options for Renal Cell Cancer

Cancer is a disease in which cells multiply uncontrollably in the body. Cancer tumors and are of two types—malignant (cancerous) and benign (non-cancerous). These malignant cancerous cells are capable of spreading and affecting other parts of the body. There are many factors such as genetic, environmental, and dietary factors that could lead one to develop cancer.
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Tips for Instant Relief from a Stiff Neck

Tips for Instant Relief from a Stiff Neck

Neck pain can be quite a nerve-racking experience. It can throw your life out of gear and cause considerable pain even with the slightest neck movement. Stiff neck or neck pain limits one’s overall mobility. People experience a sharp pain while driving or sleeping or simply turning their head. Causes of neck pain could be many, ranging from injury to the wrong posture.
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8 Popular Anti-aging Products that You Can Buy

8 Popular Anti-aging Products that You Can Buy

Aging is an inevitable process. Consequently, several people aim to age gracefully and look good, even as the decades pass by. Thankfully, numerous anti-aging products are available that promise zero laugh lines, unsightly wrinkles or crow’s feet around the eyes. These beauty potions slow down the cruel march of time, thus helping us retain our youthful glow.
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Factors to Consider Before Going to an Alcohol Rehab

Factors to Consider Before Going to an Alcohol Rehab

Addiction to alcohol, or any other kind of harmful substances such as cigarettes, is a problem that many people face. It causes liver damage and also decreases the immunity of the body to a great extent. Different alcohol types have different ill effects on the body, but all of them are extremely harmful if consumed too often or in exceedingly large quantities.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country