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Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes is diagnosed in an individual when the pancreas produce little or no insulin. The cells in the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system which further affects the These cells are known as beta cells and are responsible for making insulin. Role of Insulin Insulin as a hormone is known to help in movement of sugar or glucose in the body tissues.
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Popular UTI Treatments at Home

Popular UTI Treatments at Home

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) is a common problem that affects both men and women. Let’s look at some of the causes of this infection. Urinary system comprises urethra, which is responsible for carrying urine out of the bladder. UTI happens when infection-causing bacteria can make their way up the urethra.
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Medication for Complete Cure

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Medication for Complete Cure

Irritable bowel syndrome, which is also known with its abbreviated form IBS refers to a colon disorder or the large intestine disorder. Being a chronic disorder, it can affect the normal lifestyle of patients to a great extent. Though the symptoms often vary from one patient to other, the common signs experienced by patients are constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and cramping.
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Effective Remedies for Chronic Cough

Effective Remedies for Chronic Cough

A normal cough is good. It removes the irritants and phlegm from the throat. But a chronic cough for longer durations is troublesome. It could be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Some other likely causes of a chronic cough are asthma, sinus problem, smoking, whooping cough, allergy, cystic fibrosis, postnatal drip, and medications.
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Find Relief with These Eczema Moisturizing Creams

Find Relief with These Eczema Moisturizing Creams

Eczema is a fairly common dermatological condition that is not contagious. There are multiple factors to trigger an outbreak of eczema over different areas of the skin. These factors vary from environmental factors to food allergies. Treatment for eczema focuses mainly on healing damaged skin and managing the symptoms. There are two types of eczema.
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All You Need to Know about Glucose Levels Charts

All You Need to Know about Glucose Levels Charts

The blood sugar or blood glucose level will indicate the amount of sugar in the bloodstream of a person at an instance. The sugar is carried to the cells of the body to provide energy to the different parts of the body. Our body derives this sugar from the different dietary items that we consume.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country