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All You Need to Know about Colitis

All You Need to Know about Colitis

Colitis develops due to inflammation of the colon or the large intestine. Infection, either bacterial or viral, is typically the primary reason for inflammation here. In response to the infection, the colon swells up. Colitis also leads to changes in bowel movements, fatigue, abdominal cramping, and pain. These issues can be managed with the right treatment options, which can vary based on the type of colitis and the severity of the symptoms.
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7 Effective Methods for a Faster Relief from Hip Bursitis

7 Effective Methods for a Faster Relief from Hip Bursitis

There are two important bursae in your hip, namely ischial and trochanteric. One is present near the edge of the thighbone, and the other is found near the pelvic bone. If you have any feelings of stiffness or any pain, in this area, there is a fair chance that your bursae are inflamed.
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A Brief Guide on Probiotics to Relieve Diarrhea Symptoms

A Brief Guide on Probiotics to Relieve Diarrhea Symptoms

Diarrhea is a type of gastrointestinal infection that leads to people suffering from irregular bowel motions which are sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain. Diarrhea usually results in dehydration, i.e., the loss of the required amount of liquids in the body. Diarrhea is generally categorized into two types, acute and chronic diarrhea.
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Common Signs of Pneumonia and its Treatment

Common Signs of Pneumonia and its Treatment

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can result from bacteria, viruses, or even fungi. It usually starts when one begins to breathe in germs, usually after an episode of the cold or flu. Cold and flu make it hard for the lungs to fight back, resulting in infections.
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Shingles Medications and Treatment

Shingles Medications and Treatment

Shingle is an infectious disease which causes a painful rash. It is equally important to know the signs of shingles before taking any medication. Shingles in, ordinary cases, are characterized by an unpleasant feeling in some areas of skin and a headache which usually turns severe. After a few days of pain, a rash also appears on the skin.
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Seizure Treatment Guidelines You Should Be Aware Of

Seizure Treatment Guidelines You Should Be Aware Of

Seizure patterns can be of various types. This is a condition where the brain experiences a sudden wave of electrical activity that affects the ways a person behaves and acts. The most common form is known as status epilepticus. This is a situation where there is a continuous seizure activity for thirty minutes or even more.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country