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Diet changes to manage neurofibromatosis

Diet changes to manage neurofibromatosis

Neurofibromatosis is a genetic condition characterized by the growth of neurofibromas (tumors) on the nerve tissue. It is generally benign; but, some tumors can turn malignant. The disease is controlled with radiation therapy and surgeries. However, a healthy diet also plays a very crucial role in better management. Therefore, here is a list of foods that neurofibromatosis patients must avoid and their replacement options.
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5 foods to avoid with neurofibromatosis

5 foods to avoid with neurofibromatosis

Caused by genetic mutations that occur spontaneously at birth, neurofibromatosis leads to the growth of tumors. These tumors are known as neurofibromas. These growths can be removed through surgery or radiation therapy; however, there is no cure for this disease. Following a healthy diet routine is one way to manage neurofibromatosis.
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3 factors to consider before buying a Philips Lifeline alert device

3 factors to consider before buying a Philips Lifeline alert device

Medical alert systems are useful wearable devices that let you call for help; some automatically assist the user. While most people argue about the viability of such devices in an era of smart technology, these systems are designed to actively monitor the current status and notify emergency personnel at a moment’s notice.
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Keith’s story – Overcoming snoring and sleep apnea using ZQuiet®

Keith’s story – Overcoming snoring and sleep apnea using ZQuiet®

My name is Keith Ledbetter, 53 years old, married, and I live in Jacksonville, Florida. I have had trouble breathing during my sleep and suffered from chronic sleep deprivation, which led to tiredness, constant irritation, and poor concentration. It also started taking a heavy toll on my cardiac health. Needless to say, everyday was troublesome and upsetting.
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7 ways to quit smoking permanently

7 ways to quit smoking permanently

We have all heard the phrase “smoking is injurious to health” a gazillion times. Right from the hazards of smoking signs to disclaimers on cigarette packages, we have seen it everywhere. Quitting smoking can be tough, but it is not impossible. It does have its own perks such as a healthy body and smoke-free lungs.
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Things to know before you quit smoking

Things to know before you quit smoking

Putting an end to the habit of smoking has endless benefits, be it mental or physical. Of course, it’s even better when it is grouped with reducing other unhealthy habits like frequent or excessive alcohol consumption, and following an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. But you’re not always prepared for what lies ahead when you decide to leave this habit behind.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country