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Uses and Benefits of Child Growth Charts

Uses and Benefits of Child Growth Charts

A child growth chart is a certain set of standardized parameters that are referred to by pediatricians, in order to find out and evaluate a child’s growth rate. After consulting a child growth chart, doctors and medical practitioners decide whether the height and the weight of the child and the circumference of the child’s head are appropriate for their age.
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Win the Battle Against Aging with Essential Vitamins

Win the Battle Against Aging with Essential Vitamins

Glowing skin is an indication of perfect health condition and also the fact that your health is not declining with the passing phase of time. Yet, the efforts that are usually being made to retain the suppleness of the skin are more with an eye on appearance, rather than health reasons.
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Treatment For Congestive Heart Failure What You Need To Know

Treatment For Congestive Heart Failure What You Need To Know

Congestive heart failure is a condition which involves a buildup of fluids around the heart, which in turn affects the pumping and overall functioning of the heart. The heart has four chambers—the upper half houses two atria, while the lower half has two ventricles. The ventricles are responsible for pumping blood to the entire body and organs, while the atria are responsible for receiving blood.
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Spider Bite Identification Everything You Need To Know

Spider Bite Identification Everything You Need To Know

If you think a spider has bitten you, it is harmless in most cases, and you don’t need to panic. Spiders are generally harmless and prefer to hide in the dark. They attack when they feel threatened or when exposed from their hiding space. You will not have to worry if you have a spider bite as most of these bites are harmless.
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Symptoms of IBS that You Should Know

Symptoms of IBS that You Should Know

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a common disorder that affects the digestive system. Symptoms of IBS include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, etc. Almost all symptoms of IBS are gastrointestinal. Irritable bowel syndrome has a significant negative impact on the quality of life. IBS can persist for years and may be interspersed with periods of no symptoms.
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Understanding the Reasons Behind Abdominal Pain

Understanding the Reasons Behind Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons associated with diverse illnesses and medical conditions. Many people suffer from this condition several times in their lifetimes, and it can be for various reasons. Read further to understand why abdomen pain symptoms occur. Constipation The normal cycle of bowel movements per week is from 5 to 15 times.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country