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Diarrhea: Common causes, symptoms, and treatment

Diarrhea: Common causes, symptoms, and treatment

When your digestive system is not functioning properly, you might end up having loose and watery stools, and an increase in bowel movements. This is known as diarrhea and almost everyone experiences this condition in their lives. While it is a common and not a very harmful condition, things can become serious in extreme cases.
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Nerve pain: Here’s how you can get relief

Nerve pain: Here’s how you can get relief

Your nervous system is responsible for all the things that occur in your body, right from breathing to sleeping. And since they’re spread so widely in our body, nerves are quite vulnerable to damage. The damage is dependant on the type of nerve that’s affected and the location of the nerve.
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Must-know side effects of Garcinia Cambogia

Must-know side effects of Garcinia Cambogia

These days, the market is full of ‘miracle drugs’ and supplements that claim to help you drop pounds fast. But is there anything as a weight loss drug that works wonders? It’s no doubt they fly off the shelves and into medicine cabinets across the country. One must have heard several praises on one of these products, in particular, the controversial Garcinia Cambogia fruit.
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Control the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia with the Right Treatment

Control the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia with the Right Treatment

Even today, there are few chronic diseases across the globe whose complete cure is unknown to medical science, and unfortunately, Fibromyalgia is one such disease. It is a chronic health issue related to the muscles and bones, which cannot be cured completely, but with proper medicinal treatment, the symptoms of Fibromyalgia can be controlled.
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Symptoms of Heartburn and How to Treat It

Symptoms of Heartburn and How to Treat It

It begins as a burning pain in your chest. Slowly, it creeps upwards to the neck. Often, there is a terrible sensation of food you just ate coming back to your mouth. This causes a sour or bitter taste to flood your mouth, waking your gag reflex. Most of us have experienced this.
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All You Need to Know about Heartburn Symptoms

All You Need to Know about Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn is a common condition that is caused when the stomach acid refluxes back into the esophagus and causes a burning sensation in the chest and leaves you with a bitter taste in the mouth.This sensation is usually felt more when you have taken a heavy meal or eaten foods that cause acid reflux.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country