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What is chronic constipation

What is chronic constipation

An irregular or difficult bowel movement that lasts for many weeks at a time is termed as chronic constipation. Constipation is a common condition and diagnosed as such when bowel movements are confined to one or two a week. When the condition lasts for weeks on end, it is chronic and may require treatment.
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5 natural ways to deal with cold sore

5 natural ways to deal with cold sore

Cold sores are painful red small blisters that occur on the sides of the lips. Not only are they irritating, but also highly unattractive. These are caused mainly by irregular and inadequate diet and sometimes even due to close or direct contact with an affected individual. After all these ages of research and improvement in medication, there are still no particular cold sore treatments.
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What you should avoid when you have a runny nose

What you should avoid when you have a runny nose

A runny nose is the result of mucus being discharged from the nasal cavity. It is one of the many symptoms of seasonal allergies, flu or a cold. A runny nose makes it difficult to carry out everyday activities, as it makes becomes difficult to breathe and the nasal cavity requires constant cleaning.
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Common foods that are IBS triggers

Common foods that are IBS triggers

Irritable Bowel Syndrome triggers are the things that make your IBS symptoms flare up. It is easy to avoid such triggers when you are aware of them. Once you know what causes the symptoms to flare up, you can make a plan to avoid them and keep problems such as constipation, belly pain, diarrhoea, and bloating at bay.
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Natural Treatment Methods for Swollen Ankles

Natural Treatment Methods for Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles can cause a number of problems when it comes to one’s mobility, in addition to pain and cramps. There are many swollen ankle treatments that one can turn to, so as to ease this pain and promote better mobility. These methods can also help in alleviating the pain and unease as well as the numbness experienced when one has swollen feet and ankles.
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How to Do Kegel Exercises

How to Do Kegel Exercises

The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for controlling the flow of urine and for holding the pelvic organs in place. It is important that these muscles stay strong. Kegel exercises help do that. Kegels are prescribed for stress incontinence, where a person leaks urine when coughing, sneezing or when lifting heavy stuff, for urge incontinence where there is a sudden strong urge to urinate before the urine comes out uncontrollably and for weak pelvic floor muscles following childbirth.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country