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9 Healthy Drinks to Improve Kidney Function

9 Healthy Drinks to Improve Kidney Function

The kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the body and serve functions such as filtering blood, removing waste, and balancing the body’s fluids. However, the organs are susceptible to complications, such as kidney disease, infections, and cysts, which may occur due to age, genetics, and other environmental factors.
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A Comprehensive Guide to Prostate Massage Therapy

A Comprehensive Guide to Prostate Massage Therapy

The prostate gland is a small part of the reproductive system that resembles the shape and size of a walnut. It contains vital nerve connections and mainly wraps around the urethra, supporting both urination and seminal fluid ejaculation. Keeping the prostate gland healthy ensures the vitality of the reproductive system, and if any complications risk the functioning of the gland, doctors may suggest treatment like prostate massage therapy to improve and enhance the gland function.
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8 Key Vitamins for Managing Anxiety

8 Key Vitamins for Managing Anxiety

Just like the body’s physiological processes, the mind also functions 24×7. Consequently, mental health requires as much attention as physiological well-being. Further, approximately 31% of the country’s population may deal with an anxiety disorder at some stage of life, making it a prevalent mental health issue. One can manage the condition through treatment, however, besides seeking timely diagnosis and therapy, replenishing the body with certain vitamins can help one deal with the disorder.
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6 common risk factors for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

6 common risk factors for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma can happen to anyone. Though there are some noted risk factors involved, it seems everyone is prone to this disease. Before opting for a non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment, it is necessary to be aware of the risk factors that can cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the body. Here are some of the most common risk factors observed among patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma:
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Psoriasis: Treatment and how to manage the expenses incurred from it

Psoriasis: Treatment and how to manage the expenses incurred from it

Psoriasis is a condition where the skin cells build up and form itchy, dry patches. There are treatments for psoriasis but the condition doesn’t have a permanent cure. The most common symptom is rashes on the skin. Psoriasis drug treatments include removing scales and stopping psoriatic cells from developing rapidly. Psoriasis is an immune system problem which can be triggered by infections, stress, and cold.
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Indigestion and abdominal pain

Indigestion and abdominal pain

Indigestion or dyspepsia is a common digestive problem. It can be due to wrongful eating or indicative of another medical condition. One of the main symptoms of indigestion is abdominal pain. Causes Indigestion has many possible causes ranging from mild to severe health problems and poor eating habits. Illnesses: Stomach ulcers Intestinal infections Irritable bowel syndrome Thyroid diseases GERD or acid reflux disease Pancreatitis Abdominal cancer (a rare cause) Diet and lifestyle:
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country