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Symptoms, Causes, and Management for Osteopenia

Symptoms, Causes, and Management for Osteopenia

Osteopenia is when a person’s bones lose calcium and gradually weaken. This condition is most commonly seen in older individuals but can also affect people of all ages. In many cases, osteopenia is a precursor to osteoporosis, a more severe condition in which bone density deteriorates even further. While osteopenia is not curable, several practical strategies and treatment options are available to help prevent its progression and keep bones healthy for as long as possible.
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Mastocytosis – What It Is and Its Management Options

Mastocytosis – What It Is and Its Management Options

Mastocytosis is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of certain types of immune cells, known as mast cells, in an organ. The affected organ where the cells accumulate, such as the skin or intestines, exhibit symptoms, indicating the condition’s presence. While there is currently no known cure for the condition, there are several treatment and management options to alleviate its symptoms.
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Here’s How to Find the Best Dermatologist Nearby

Here’s How to Find the Best Dermatologist Nearby

Skin issues, such as rashes, wrinkles, acne, abnormal patches, and melanoma, can severely affect one’s overall health and daily life. To diagnose, treat, and manage these issues, it is important to find the right dermatologist. While this is a personal decision, keeping certain things in mind can help individuals navigate this process.
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Management Options and Home Remedies for CIDP

Management Options and Home Remedies for CIDP

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a health problem that affects a person’s nerves. It is an autoimmune condition that causes weakness and reduced sensations in the legs and arms. Experts say CIDP occurs when the myelin sheath—a fat-based protective covering on one’s nerves—gets damaged. There are various treatment options and home remedies for people with this complication.
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4 Home Remedies and Other Therapies for Dermatomyositis

4 Home Remedies and Other Therapies for Dermatomyositis

Dermatomyositis is a severe but rare autoimmune skin disorder that causes red or purple spots or rashes on the skin exposed to the sun. Some telltale signs of the condition include calcium deposits under the skin, weak muscles, bumps on elbows or knees, joint pain, and more. Dermatomyositis does not have any direct cure, so usually, a healthcare professional prescribes a combination of natural therapies and other treatments that help the individual manage the condition.
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7 Latest Ways to Reverse Multiple Myeloma

7 Latest Ways to Reverse Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma happens when cancer develops in the body’s white blood cells, called plasma cells. The body uses healthy plasma cells to generate certain proteins, known as antibodies, which help fight infections. But in the case of multiple myeloma, cancerous plasma cells begin growing in the bone marrow and can damage the bones, red blood cells, organs, and immune system.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country