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Major differences between fibromyalgia and arthritis

Major differences between fibromyalgia and arthritis

Fibromyalgia and Arthritis are two different conditions but still, they are mistakenly diagnosed for each other. While fibromyalgia often has symptoms similar to arthritis, it is not exactly arthritis because it is not an autoimmune disease and it does not cause tissue inflammation nor does it damage joints or muscles.
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How to get rid of gout pain in 3 easy steps

How to get rid of gout pain in 3 easy steps

Gout foot pain can be very uncomfortable and disrupt the everyday life of the affected person. While the condition can be chronic, it is important to find ways to get pain relief for gout so that it does not impact your lifestyle and routine. Moreover, recurring gout attacks can cause permanent damage to the affected joints and also lead to kidney damage.
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3 vegan food delivery places for healthy meals everyday

3 vegan food delivery places for healthy meals everyday

Being vegan is not easy, it does not matter if you have been one for a long time or are new to the fraternity. In any case, you will have to make significant changes in your diet and we all know how difficult that gets. For people who think that vegan food cannot be delicious, they are definitely living in a parallel universe.
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4 essential skills every caregiver must possess

4 essential skills every caregiver must possess

Caregivers are people who are trained to look after people with disabilities or those who face mobility issues due to their growing age. It is difficult to put someone else’s needs before yours, but caregivers excel at this. They selflessly look after the ones they are employed to take care of and ensure that the person deals effectively with whatever health condition they are combating.
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4 essential tips for first-time caregivers

4 essential tips for first-time caregivers

Caregivers often feel overwhelmed when they start out. Whether taking care of an ailing friend or family member, caregiving can be quite strenuous, emotionally as well as physically. If a caregiver is stressed out, it reflects on their interactions with the person they are taking care of. A strained atmosphere really makes it difficult to provide effective care.
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4 essential tips to choose the right eating disorder center near you

4 essential tips to choose the right eating disorder center near you

According to the National Eating Disorder Association, about 70 million people in the country suffer from one or the other form of eating disorders. Usually, eating disorders are trivialized and people address it as “eating too much” or “eating too less.” There are several reasons why people develop eating disorders, but what calls for immediate attention is that this condition can be life-threatening.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country