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Important symptoms of neuropathy that should not be ignored

Important symptoms of neuropathy that should not be ignored

Neuropathy is a common condition that occurs when the peripheral nerves happen to get disrupted or damaged. Although it mostly occurs after the age of 55, there are many cases where this disorder affects you even at a younger age. Neuropathy can trigger a wide array of indications including erectile dysfunction to constipation.
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Things to pack in your newborn’s hospital bag

Things to pack in your newborn’s hospital bag

After nine months of pregnancy, the excitement of a baby’s arrival is always exciting. With the happiness, comes the responsibility of being a mother. Here’s what you need to do to make sure that you pack all the necessary things for your baby in your hospital. Be prepared: The commencement of labor pains and the need to rush to a hospital when you are ready to deliver your baby is almost always sudden, so your best bet is to be prepared.
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A brief insight into what dry eyes is and how it can be treated

A brief insight into what dry eyes is and how it can be treated

Nowadays, one of the most common eye diseases that most of the people suffer from is dry eye syndrome. Also known as KCS or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, this eye disease continues to plague people with several uncomfortable dry eye symptoms and can even lead to permanent vision damage, if not treated early.
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Ways to stop herpes from spreading

Ways to stop herpes from spreading

Herpes skin infection is highly contagious, and its sores take some time to heal. However, many couples have been living healthy lives without transmitting their herpes infection. Some may simply avoid sexual intercourse while others take certain precautions while they do engage in the same. Nevertheless, you should know how to take care and avoid spreading it someone else.
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5 useful home remedies to get relief from cold sores

5 useful home remedies to get relief from cold sores

Cold sores or fever blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). As per studies carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects almost 65% adults over the age of 50. Cold sores, which are often mistaken for canker sores, appear on the upper part of the body or in the areas surrounding the lips and mouth.
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Popular medications prescribed for sleep disorders

Popular medications prescribed for sleep disorders

Sleep medicines prescribed by doctors are always efficient if you practice timely sleep schedules and good food habits along with them. Below are certain sleep medicines that are generally prescribed for sleep disorders. Benzodiazepines: These drugs are part of the hypnotics’ drugs section and the main constituents generally include clonazepam, diazepam, temazepam, estazolam, alprazolam, and lorazepam.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country