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How is pulmonary rehabilitation a good COPD treatment?

How is pulmonary rehabilitation a good COPD treatment?

COPD is quickly becoming one of the most lethal illnesses in America due to an increasing number of people taking up smoking and being exposed to airborne pollutants. What makes it even worse is that more than half the patients are undiagnosed, and their condition only comes to light in the advanced stages of COPD.
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4 things you should know about COPD

4 things you should know about COPD

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is the term for a group of lung diseases. Increasing breathlessness is a common characteristic of COPD. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths involving COPD. Here are some facts about COPD that you should be aware of. These could help dispel some of the misconceived notions about this condition:
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Points to remember when looking for addiction treatment centers

Points to remember when looking for addiction treatment centers

There are many individuals who cannot afford to go to rehab and drug alcohol treatment centers. Bearing the financial cost becomes difficult for them if they are unemployed, homeless, or struggling physically or emotionally. Entering a program seems impossible if there is no money available. It is beyond the family to afford rehab and home detox is not the solution.
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5 natural and alternative ways to treat COPD

5 natural and alternative ways to treat COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States today. This respiratory disease is caused due to an abnormal inflammation of the lungs resulting in restricted air flow and hence the difficulty in breathing. Spiriva is a bronchodilator drug commonly used to treat this condition.
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6 useful tips to treat acne scars, marks, and blemishes

6 useful tips to treat acne scars, marks, and blemishes

Acne is a common skin problem, but acne treatment isn’t too complicated. However, what is left behind are some of the most annoying scars, blemishes, and pimple marks. For many acne sufferers, a blemish-free skin may seem difficult to achieve. Of course, there are medicines containing a variety of chemicals as well as oral medications that may provide some relief, but these have a lot of side effects.
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A few common symptoms of atopic dermatitis and how to treat them

A few common symptoms of atopic dermatitis and how to treat them

Atopic dermatitis is a disease characterized by a red, painful, itchy, and swollen skin. It is usually caused by genes inherited from parents. The criteria for diagnosis include a personal or family history of asthma or hay fever (inhalant allergies), in addition to the appearance of rashes. Atopic dermatitis commonly affects young children and infants, although it can occur at any age.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country