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Foods to Eat and Avoid if You Have Hiatal Hernia

Foods to Eat and Avoid if You Have Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which, a person’s stomach bulges upward mainly through the diaphragm opening. However, what you eat makes a huge difference as to whether you will have a good day or a bad one. A specific hiatal hernia diet can cause a great amount of positive change in your health.
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Diabetes Reversal Treatment – Best Option to Combat Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Reversal Treatment – Best Option to Combat Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that characteristically involves high blood sugar, insulin resistance and lack of insulin from required levels. Diabetes is also a lifestyle disorder i.e. fueled by sedentary lifestyle and obesity. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 Type 1 is classified as Juvenile diabetes and typically affects children of normal weight.
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4 Effective Solutions to Eliminate the Rotator Cuff Pain

4 Effective Solutions to Eliminate the Rotator Cuff Pain

The shoulder is surrounded by a number of muscles and tendons that make up a rotator cuff. It is an essential element that helps to keep the head of the arm’s upper bone firmly in place. When the rotator cuff get injured during any activity, it causes a strong pain in the area or muscles around the shoulder and the pain worsens over time if not treated.
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Swollen Feet and Ankles – Causes and Treatments

Swollen Feet and Ankles – Causes and Treatments

Swollen ankles and feet are quite common these days, and one does not need to worry too much about it. Especially if you have been walking or standing a lot. However, those who have their feet and ankles swollen chronically might need to be a little worried about it. So, here are some of the main causes behind swollen feet and ankles:
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Lose weight with Paleo diet meals

Lose weight with Paleo diet meals

The Paleo diet meals are prepared by emulating the diet of the hunters and the gatherers in the primordial ages. It comprises of whole and unprocessed foods as available in nature. It goes without saying that our ancestors were genetically the same as us. They survived by eating the foods that were available naturally and were inherently free from diseases like diabetes, obesity and different types of cardiac problems.
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A Short Guide on Child Growth Chart

A Short Guide on Child Growth Chart

As a parent, there are many things that you need to keep a tab on, to know your child’s development. Using a child growth chart is one of the essential things that parents should be referring to for this. Pediatricians and other health service providers use a child growth chart to observe a child’s growth over time.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country