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Understanding the Causes and Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Understanding the Causes and Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a persistent, long-lasting condition closely related to the gastrointestinal disorder. The condition is more prominent in women than men. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is not a life-threatening disorder; neither does the condition result in any serious disease. However, it can make you feel very uncomfortable. The regular bowel movement of the sufferer starts to become abnormal and is accompanied by pain in some cases.
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A guide on seasonal allergies

A guide on seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergy, also known as hay fever, occurs when your body’s immune system seems a perfectly normal substance in your daily life to be dangerous. This causes a release of antibodies into your bloodstream which churns up an allergic reaction which we commonly refer to as allergies. When you face allergies all-around the year, we term them as seasonal allergies.
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Diabetes Control Measures to keep a check on your blood sugar levels

Diabetes Control Measures to keep a check on your blood sugar levels

Keeping your diabetes under control is a challenge on a regular basis, but there is no denying that the efforts are worth giving for. You will have more energy and feel better which will help you to live longer with lesser risks of complications from high blood sugar such as strokes, heart attack, kidney problems and also, blindness.
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H. Pylori Infection Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

H. Pylori Infection Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

H. Pylori infection is caused by the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium which affects the stomach. It leads to an inflammation of the inner surface of the stomach, and the duodenum region of the small intestine. Although this is a widespread condition, it isn’t quite discernible, i.e., it doesn’t always show symptoms right away.
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Here are Some Effective Low Back Pain Remedies

Here are Some Effective Low Back Pain Remedies

Have you ever felt an uncomfortable feeling in lower portions of your back while lifting a heavy object? Or does your back hurt when you bend down? These symptoms can be an indication that you are a victim of low back pain. It is a widespread problem seen especially in people post thirty when the calcium bank of your body starts hitting the depleting phase then onwards.
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The Best Vitamins for Your Eyes and Their Benefits

The Best Vitamins for Your Eyes and Their Benefits

It is natural that as time passes, your eyesight will diminish. It can definitely be irritating to use glasses to see. But it’s also possible to keep your eyes healthy with a proper diet. Read further in this article to understand ways to keep your eyesight healthy. Why should you care about your diet?
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country