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Differences between study grants and scholarships

Differences between study grants and scholarships

Study grants and scholarships are kinds of gift aid. Unlike student loans and employment, gift aid is money you do not have to repay; it is something you earn on merit. Even though people use the words “study grants” and “scholarships” interchangeably, there are striking differences between the two. Scholarships are more merit-based, while grants cater to a person’s financial needs.
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Things to know about commodities and futures trading

Things to know about commodities and futures trading

Commodities are a significant aspect of everyone’s daily life. Some classic examples include gold, oil, natural gas, and grains. Commodities can be defined as basic goods that are interchangeable with goods of the same type. The worldwide economy is powered by raw materials such as crude oil, precious metals, and iron ore.
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4 top tips for investing in currencies and foreign exchange

4 top tips for investing in currencies and foreign exchange

Investing in currencies and foreign exchange can help to give you a balanced and more diverse portfolio. But if you have never ventured into this field before and are thinking of giving it a try, then here are a few tips for investing in currencies and foreign exchange that could help.
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All you need to know about filing your tax returns

All you need to know about filing your tax returns

Filing taxes is one of the most stress-inducing but extremely fundamental part of any professional’s life. While filing taxes can seem like a Herculean task, educating yourself about the process can help you navigate this troublesome task with some ease. Here is all you need to know about filing your tax returns.
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A list of the best mortgage lenders in the country

A list of the best mortgage lenders in the country

2017 passed with some of the best mortgage lenders bringing in a lot of business and helping many Americans realize their dream of owning a home. With their trusted reputation and quick processes, here is a list of the best mortgage lenders of 2017: Quicken Loans Quicken Loans has surpassed the performance of all other competitors and was touted as the top choice among the best mortgage lenders of 2017.
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Effective ways to manage credit card debt

Effective ways to manage credit card debt

Credit cards are a brilliant way to manage financial needs in the present time. Why? Simply because it gives the cardholder easy access to money for expenses based on the accrued debt. So while you have the security of cash in your account, you can still spend on things for which you can pay in the future.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country