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Negative Impacts Of Business Loans

Negative Impacts Of Business Loans

Business most often reaches out for funding for all types of business needs ranging from cash flow balancing, expanding a business, or starting a new business. Loans are the go-to solution for most financial needs of a business. While this type of funding has its merits, there are certain disadvantages that can impact a business in the long run.
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Top 4 Eye Insurance Companies You Should Resort To For Eye Care

Top 4 Eye Insurance Companies You Should Resort To For Eye Care

According to a popular survey, almost 14% of Americans suffer a problem with their eyes. Of this lot, around 80% are cured with refractive correction procedure. While finalizing the insurance plan, there is a general tendency to ignore eye care. Also, several insurance companies may not even include eye care as part of their insurance scheme, and it is quite easy for a layman to overlook such aspects.
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Best Medigap Plans For You This 2018

Best Medigap Plans For You This 2018

For a regular monthly premium, Medigap is an additional health insurance policy that supplements Original Medicare. This auxiliary health insurance is provided only to those already enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. Helping to manage expenses not covered by Original Medicare such as co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles, the Medigap Insurance Plans comes at standardized rates (except in Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin), and so is the coverage offered by various companies.
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Categories Of Insurance Policies Available For Small Businesses

Categories Of Insurance Policies Available For Small Businesses

The various insurance policies that would benefit a small business are as follows: The most important for a business of any size is a General Liability Insurance. This provides protection against third-party lawsuits and covers both attorney and defense charges. Protecting against fire, theft, and destruction of office space or property is its namesake, Property Insurance.
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How To Find The Best Life Insurance Company

How To Find The Best Life Insurance Company

Taking out a life insurance policy is one of the very important, even essential aspects of long-term financial planning. Life insurance cover offers you protection against risks posed by unforeseen accidents and even death so that one’s family or dependents are not suddenly deprived of a source of income. In choosing the life insurance policy that works best for your specific needs, you would have to take life insurance quotes from a number of insurance agents.
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Things You Ought To Know About DUI Insurance

Things You Ought To Know About DUI Insurance

Paying auto insurance is not fun; it can put a huge dent in your wallet. Paying DUI insurance is even worse as it puts an even bigger dent in your wallet. If you get a ticket for DUI (Driving under the Influence), it can, unfortunately, stay with you for a long time, as your auto insurance premium shoots up and stays at a high for a long period of time depending on the state that you reside in.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country