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Knowledge and Awareness regarding Children’s Allergies

Knowledge and Awareness regarding Children’s Allergies

Knowing if your child has an allergy or a cold can be tricky. We tend to become over precautious when it comes to handling our kids. Well, what else can be done as these poor kids can’t understand and convey what they feel like? Whether your child has an allergy or is simply sick, it is difficult to decipher.
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Facts About Symptoms of Hepatitis C and More

Facts About Symptoms of Hepatitis C and More

A maximum number of people, approximately 70 to 80 percent, who are suffering from acute h epatitis C infection, do not perceive symptoms of h epatitis C . Due to this reason, it is very tough to know about the illness at an early stage. Usually, the warning signs of this disease occur within 14 days to 180 days after being infected by the hepatitis C virus ( HCV ).
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Effective Treatment Options for Vaginal Dryness

Effective Treatment Options for Vaginal Dryness

The vagina is a very sensitive part of the female anatomy and plays an essential role in the reproductive process of a human body. Vaginal dryness occurs when the tissues of the vagina are not well lubricated and healthy. Though it is especially common in women who have hit menopause, vaginal dryness can occur at any age owing to multiple reasons.
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The 7 Stages of Alzheimer

The 7 Stages of Alzheimer

Alzheimer`s is the most common type of dementia. It causes issues with the memory power, thinking, and behavior. Alzheimer`s is a progressive disease, which means that gradually over time, more parts of the brain will eventually deteriorate. Symptoms The symptoms are mild in the beginning, and they get worse over the course of time and start affecting the daily activities of the patient.
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Spinal Stenosis: How It Affects Your Spine

Spinal Stenosis: How It Affects Your Spine

A lot of times, you might have heard that your spine controls a large part of your body and it is essential for you to take care of it. Well, this statement is not untrue. The spine, also known as vertebral column, surrounds the spinal cord , which is a part of the central nervous system (CNS) .
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Know about Algiatry and Pain Management Doctors

Know about Algiatry and Pain Management Doctors

  No t many of us are immune to chronic spinal, neuropathic, or musculoskeletal pain caused by aging or due to a health crisis. Conventionally, fending off the chronic pain was a distinct possibility due to lack of information about its psychologi cal and physiological basis. As such, sufferers had to come to terms with their medical condition and learn to live with the pain .
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country