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All You Need to Know about Sciatica

All You Need to Know about Sciatica

Sciatic Pain Cure refers to the treatment of the symptoms such as tingling in the leg, pain, weakness or numbness radiating through the sciatic nerve. The pain that occurs along the path of this nerve is known as sciatica. Sciatica is not a disease, it essentially points to an underlying medical condition.
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Things to Know about Helicobacter Pylori

Things to Know about Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter Pylori or H. Pylori is a common type of bacteria that usually causes the infection of the digestive tract. About 60 percent of the adult population of the entire world is affected by H. Pylori, and it is commonly seen in the western developed countries. “Helico” means spiral, and the name comes from its spiral shape.
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Here’s What You Need to Know about Parkinson’s Disease

Here’s What You Need to Know about Parkinson’s Disease

According to a report by the American Parkinson  Disease  Association (APDA), nearly a million people  living  in the country have Parkinson’s disease.   This  disorder of the central nervous system  severely affects one’s movement and balance, usually starting with hand tremors.  Stiffness, loss of balance, and rigidity are some of its other common symptoms.
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Relation Between the Kidneys and Lower Back Pain

Relation Between the Kidneys and Lower Back Pain

Pain in the lower back area could be the result of numerous factors. But is your lower back pain kidney related? Pain caused in the lower back may be due to kidney infection or kidney stones. Very often, when you have lower back pain, you may be confused about the exact cause.
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5 Foods to Manage Diabetes

5 Foods to Manage Diabetes

Glucose in the body helps in maintaining optimum energy levels and is also the brain’s main source of fuel, but it all comes down to how the glucose in the body is utilized. Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases affecting how the blood sugar (glucose) is used by the body.
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5 Ways to Manage Asthma

5 Ways to Manage Asthma

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the lungs. Inflammation in the bronchial tubes results in the narrowing of the airway and obstructs the process of natural breathing. It is not a condition that should be taken lightly, as the symptoms, if left unchecked, can lead to hospitalization. Additionally, asthma is incurable and is usually treated with an inhaler to relieve and prevent frequent flareups.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country