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Tips for a multiple sclerosis diet

Tips for a multiple sclerosis diet

The nerve fibers in the body of people suffering from multiple sclerosis get damaged. This is because multiple sclerosis damages the layer of myelin present on the nerve fiber, a substance that protects nerves and helps in transmitting signal throughout the body. Multiple sclerosis is one of the common neurological diseases in young adults.
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Apple Cider Vinegar – The Best Weight Loss Aid

Apple Cider Vinegar – The Best Weight Loss Aid

If you are attempting to lose inches on your waistline, the intake of organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) can contribute towards your efforts. In addition to imparting pro-biotic benefits, its consumption is advantageous in several other ways. It may interest you to learn that apple cider vinegar weights loss plans are useful for burning calories because they result in shedding weight on a gradual basis.
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Best Vitamins for Kidneys

Best Vitamins for Kidneys

Kidneys are critical organs of our body. They release waste products through urine, ensure healthy levels of calcium and minerals, and keep blood pressure stable. In case of problems where the kidneys are unable to dispel waste, toxins accumulate in the blood, which can be damaging and even lead to kidney failure. Here is a list of vitamins for kidneys that ensure kidney health and proper functioning.
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Benefits of High Protein Food Intake

Benefits of High Protein Food Intake

What are Proteins? Proteins are basically large macromolecules or bio – molecules which consist of one or more long chains of amino acids. Proteins are responsible for perform ing a wide range of functions within an organism such as DNA replication, catalyzing metabolic reactions, responding to stimuli and transporting molecules from one location to another.
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Gout Diet Do’s and Don’ts

Gout Diet Do’s and Don’ts

If you’re suffering from gout, you know how painful it can be. A type of arthritis, gout affects your joints, fingers and toes. It usually happens to people who have excessive purine foods like meat, whole grains, and sort of peas. When your body is unable to remove the uric acid from the body, it forms gout in one of your joints.
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Choose the Best Magnesium Supplement for Health Benefits

Choose the Best Magnesium Supplement for Health Benefits

Magnesium, an essential nutritional element of the human body, is often ignored by almost everyone. People fail to realize how necessary it is to have the optimum amount of magnesium in the body, the lack of which would otherwise cause irritability, muscle weakness, tiredness, and even irregular heartbeat. The bones inside our body consist of the maximum magnesium content of the body.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country